Welcome to Globe Park Elementary School

School hours: 9:15 AM to 3:20 PM

192 Avenue A,
Woonsocket, RI 02895
Phone 401-767-4830
Fax 401-767-4831

Upcoming Events

Gators Rock
Welcome Kindergarten Families!

It is a pleasure to welcome you to the 2024-2025 school year. I speak from our entire Globe PARK Community that we are beyond excited to welcome you to Globe. We can never minimize the power of education and the bright future our students can have when we put their education first!

Kindergarten can be very exciting for our little ones but also a time when anxiety might kick in. Rest assured, we see this often and will make their first year of school as special as we can! Having said that, we are doing things a bit different this year in the district for our kindergarten friends.

Our Open House for Kindergarten will be on Monday, August 26th at 3:30. All our kindergarten families will meet in the cafeteria and have the opportunity to meet the teachers and ask as many questions as you would like. Then families will be asked to fill out all important paperwork and have an opportunity to visit our kindergarten rooms. This year we are not assigning students to a specific teacher until the first week of September. Instead, we will be doing some informal assessing, playtime and getting to-know-you activities to balance our classrooms. This is done to meet the needs of our new students coming in. You will receive a letter with a teacher assignment on the Friday before the long weekend.

I’m sure you have many questions and we look forward to meeting you and welcoming you to our Globe family.

Front Office:
Principal: Mrs. Kennell [email protected]
Secretary: Ms. Lemery [email protected]
School Psychologist: Mrs. Paterson [email protected]
Parent Liaison: Ms. Mottau [email protected]
Social Worker: Ms. Flanigan [email protected]

Open House
Monday, August 26th, from 3:30-5:30 pm.
  • See your classroom
  • Meet your teacher
  • Tour the school
  • Find out about Title 1 Programming
  • Ask questions!
OPEN HOUSE - Our Open House will be held on Monday, August 29th, from 3:30-5:30 pm. This year we will have the following schedule for our Open House:
3:30 - Kindergarten students ONLY and their families will meet in the cafeteria. Introductions and a few brief announcements, then students will move to our kindergarten classrooms. All other students will go right to their assigned rooms and meet their teachers.
4:30- 5:30 - Students in grades 1-5 will have their open house

First Day
First day of school is Wednesday, August 28th for all students in grades 1 thru 5.
Students in Kindergarten with the last name of A - L - First day is August 28th. (No school for you on August 29th).
Students in Kindergarten with the last name of M - Z - First day is August 29th. (No school on August 29th. All students attend on August 30th.

SCHOOL SUPPLIES - If you have purchased the school supplies please be sure to label every package with your child’s name. For those of you who need supplies, the list is provided below.

More information will be sent home on the first day of school. On behalf of Globe Park Elementary School, we are looking forward to a wonderful school year!

Warm regards,
Mrs. Kennell

Kindergarten Supply List

Gators Rock
Box of crayons (12 count or higher)
Washable markers
Expo Dry Erase markers
Hand sanitizer
Number two pencils 2 packages
Colored pencils 12 count
Child friendly scissors
Glue sticks 3 please
Paper towels
  • Please know additional items may be requested as we proceed through the year.